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From Superintendent

Located in Hualien, Hualien Armed Forces General Hospital (HAFGH) has been established for more than sixty years. During this period of time, our hospital has gradually grown in progress. Thanks to previous superintendents and all staff for dedications and hard-working, HAFGH nowadays is the only military hospital in eastern area of Taiwan, as well as a qualified regional teaching hospital taking care of communities nearby.

As the only military hospital in Second Combat Zone, HAFGH encompasses multidisciplinary healthcare teams and 369 beds to take care of military personnel, veterans, and their families. To cooperate with health policy, we also provide medical treatments and services to community residents and general publics.

Surrounded by mountains, medical resources in Eastern Taiwan are especially limited and insufficient due to traffic inconvenience. While part of the communities, tribes and villages are located in remote mountain are, HAFGH is always available to actively approach to residents who needed. The outreach community programs include irregular volunteer medical services and health educations. HAFGH makes all efforts and takes community health as our own responsibility.

Aging society is an inevitable trend in Taiwan. HAFGH takes the social responsibility and conducts several health care programs targeting on the life quality of elders and disabilities, such as long-term community services, daycare centers, and nursing homes. Beyond the scope of life quality, HAFGH also manages home healthcare services for those who are mentally and physically ill, and arranges medical visits and medication services at home.

Roles as Healthcare Guardian of Eastern Taiwan

  1. Providing critical and intense medical care.
  2. Promoting sustainable holistic care in physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.
  3. Increasing military medical capacity to fulfill missions for military hospital.
  4. Engaging in the disease prevention and health promotion of local area.


  1. To coordinate with Hualien County Government and Hualien County Health Bureau to promote health care policies and engage in preventive care programs to maintain civilian health.
  2. To become the responsible hospital for medical service and emergency care in medical networks of Hualien county.
  3. To coordinate with National Health Insurance Administration in Ministry of Health and Welfare as well as its eastern branch, to carry out various health insurance service programs.
  4. To promote medical and health care service among military personnel in the eastern area to maintain the combat power of military.


  1. To take care of the physical, mental and social well-beings of eastern military personnel and civilians.
  2. To become the most trusted community hospital in eastern area.


In addition to take care of the community and civilian health in peacetime, HAFGH is also responsible for maintaining the safety of military personnel and civilians in wartime.

Core Values

  1. To provide services base on human needs.
  2. To promote health and reinforce dignity of patients.
  3. To treat patients with compassion and benevolence.

Management Strategy

  1. Short-term goals: Increasing budget for advanced medical equipment and improved service quality through increasing reimbursement from health insurance, expanding programs of out-of-pocket services, and maintaining manpower of physicians and surgeons.
  2. Middle-term goals: Foster specialists and invest in the advanced medical equipment to promote capacities for critical care and specialty care.
  3. Long-term goals: Build medical facility for critical care and specialty care, and keep on training specialists and fostering novices to provide demanding medical services in local Hualien.

Hospital Services: Emergency and Clinic services

Emergency services:

  1. The Emergency Room is in a 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week service with contact number 03-826-3151 ext. 815103.
  2. Emergency charges: Fees and terms of services are based on Health Insurance Policy and Identity, except for Out-of-Pocket services.
Identity Registration Fee Copayment
General 100 300
Xincheng and Sioulin Residents 50

(NTD 25 Free)

Employee 0 0
Military Personnel 0 0
Military Students 0 0
Veterans 0 0
Employed Veterans 10

(NTD 90 Free)

Policeman 0 0
Fireman 0 0


Clinic services: Please refer to the clinic schedule for the real-time information.

  1. Clinic locations: Beipu clinic, Jinfeng clinic, and Fushi Clinic
  2. Clinic hours: Generally Monday through Friday with Morning clinic (0900-1200), Afternoon clinic (1400-1700) and Evening clinic (1900-2100). Contact number 03-826-3151 ext. 815100.
  3. Registration: In-person, phone and online registration pathways.
    • Hours for In-person and phone registration: as clinic hours.
    • Hours for online registration: 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week service.
    • Notice: Online registration is now expanding to 30 minutes before the closure of On-site clinic.
  4. Clinic charges: Fees and terms of services are based on Health Insurance Policy and Identity, except for Fushi clinic as remote free clinic and Out-of-Pocket services.
Identity Registration Fee Copayment
General 50 240
Xincheng and Sioulin Residents

(Beipu clinic only)


(NTD 25 Free)

Jingfeng Residents

(Jingfeng clinic only)


(NTD 25 Free)

Employee 0 0
Military Personnel 0 0
Military Students 0 0
Veterans 0 0
Employed Veterans 10

(NTD 40 Free)

Policeman 0 0
Fireman 0 0

Dental Care: Fees and terms of services are based on Health Insurance Policy and Identity, except for Out-of-Pocket services.

Identity Clinic Emergency
General 100 250
Xincheng and Sioulin Residents

(Beipu clinic only)

75 200
Employee 0 0
Military Personnel 0 0
Military Students 0 0
Veterans 0 0
Employed Veterans 60 160
Policeman 0 0
Fireman 0 0

Beipu clinic: No. 163, Jiali Rd, Xincheng Township, Hualien County, 971 / 886-3-826-0601, 886-3-826-3151, 886-3-826-3152

Jinfeng clinic: No. 100, Jinfeng St, Hualien City, Hualien County, 970 / 886-3-833-5730

Fushi Clinic: No. 101, Fushi, Xiulin Township, Hualien County 972 / 886-3-861-0918

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