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  • How do I check clinic schedule?
    Clink on the “Register” under “Guide” in top menu bar, and then select the “Division” and “Doctor” in the drop-down menu.
  • How do I make registration on-line?
    Clink on the “Register” under “Guide” in top menu bar, and then select the “Division” and “Doctor” in the drop-down menu based on your need. Or you can select “All Divisions” and check for date when you and the doctor are both available. If you have no clue for about division, please click on the “Symptoms”, the specific divisions based on signs and symptoms are recommended.
    Once “Division” ,“Doctor”, and date are confirmed, please select ID type and fill in the number, date of birth, and Auth-Info Code. Hit the “Send” and the registration is done.
  • How do I learn more about each department?
    Clink on the “Department” in top menu bar, we have “Internal Medicine Department”, “ Surgery Department”, and “ Other Professional Clinic” for you to be acquaint with.
  • How do I contact hospital?
    Scrolling down to the bottom of the webpage, HAFGH numbers and address are listed in order. If you have no clue about the extension number of preferred department or division, our switchboard operators are on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week service.
  • Why can’t I view the whole page of the official website?
    Please view our official website with Netscape or web browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer, there is a program bug with trouble.
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