CECC revises criteria for releasing COVID-19 cases with mild or no symptoms from isolation to preserve for isolation care capacity Facebookshare to Facebook(open in new window)Lineshare to Line(open in new window)Printprint(open in new window) Back
Date:2022-04-03On April 3, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that it has revised the criteria for releasing COVID-19 cases with mild or no symptoms from isolation as most imported cases had been infected with COVID-19 before entry. Related revisions are listed below.
A. For new cases or cases who have a Ct value <30 in their first PCR test, the criterion which prescribes that “10 days have passed since the date of symptom onset or the date of specimen collection” has been deleted.
B. For cases who have a Ct value ≥30 in their first PCR test, the criterion which prescribes that “the result for SARS-CoV-2 anti-N IgG antibodies is positive” has been deleted.